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Tortle Package (5e)Click to magnify

Tortle Package (5e)


The Snout of Omgar is a geographical region described briefly in Tomb of Annihilation.

Not much is revealed about the location or its inhabitants in that adventure, however. The Tortle Package is written for Dungeon Masters who want to know more about the Snout of Omgar.

This supplement also introduces a new playable character race, the tortle, and a new adventure location: Dangwaru, the Typhoon Palace. All of this is permissible for play within the D&D Adventurers League.

All proceeds from this product are to be contributed to ExtraLife. You can head to the D&D page on Extra Life to find out more.

About Extra Life:

Extra Life unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $30 million for sick and injured kids. Sign up today and dedicate a day of play for kids in your community!

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Reviews (28)
Discussions (39)
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Hans M July 16, 2021 11:58 pm UTC
I think I should have cut down on the amount of treasure in the treasure room
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Ian M May 24, 2019 9:50 am UTC
It says in the email what the update is: "An updated version of this title is now available. Copy/Paste feature should now work properly"
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Gabriel B May 24, 2019 5:06 am UTC
There isn't any 'update' with the PDF. I read the PDF, compared to the one I bought on release date, and there isn't anything new to it unfortunately.
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Scott F May 23, 2019 4:14 pm UTC
Can anyone expand on "Updates made."?
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Scott F May 22, 2019 5:29 pm UTC
Why and in what ways was this updated?
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Devin B May 22, 2019 2:35 pm UTC
How can I see what has been updated in this newest release?
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Oliver S May 21, 2019 11:22 am UTC
Im just trying to add the Tortle package with my campaign management software. Unfortunately, when I try to copy and paste paragraphs to the software, most lines either disappear entirely or the text gets scrambled.

Any idea if I'm doing it wrong or if there's some kind of protection on the PDFs? If yes, that would render the whole thing pretty much useless for me.
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February 08, 2019 3:44 pm UTC
I will purchase this is when there is a print version becomes available.
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Chuck W February 08, 2019 6:27 pm UTC
It's 14 pages double-sided. That's not even a decent sized packet of papers. I printed a copy and stapled it. It fits nicely in the front pocket of my DM binder.
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February 08, 2019 7:10 pm UTC
Fair, I just really enjoy the quality of the POD that you get from Drive Thru. I recently ordered the Softcover Color Book (Premium Heavyweight) version of Elemental Evil Player’s Companion (~24 pages) and I enjoy having it on my shelf.
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Chuck W February 08, 2019 7:46 pm UTC
Wow, they print that!? I'll have to look into it. I've never seen anything that small printed.
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Gerald M F January 12, 2019 2:06 pm UTC
Is there a reason this release has nver had a Print on Demand option like this years Extra Life release has? I'd love a physical copy of it.
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William C January 31, 2019 12:28 am UTC
I would like a hardcover version as well.
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William C January 31, 2019 1:01 am UTC
Or just in print in general, as there aren't really enough pages to make it a hardcover, but yeah, it should be available physically!
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Noah S December 10, 2018 11:10 pm UTC
Is there no option for players who just want access to the Tortle race?
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Scribbly D September 01, 2018 5:00 am UTC
Scribbly reviews: The Tortle Package

This is everything you want in a package. Ahoyhoy, the Tortle's home town, is a lively little place so full of charm and fun and even a bit of special item shopping if you like that sort of thing.
The rest of the little island has plenty of intreiging inhabitants, both cute and deadly enough to train any low level adventurer for the unyeilding jungls of chult. be sure to prepare for the Shrine of Fangs.
And the haunted shrine of Dangwaru has given the young tortle children eeire dreams and very short adventures as they dare each other to sneak ajust a little closer. But only the bravest and strongest and crazyest would dare tempt the fates inside.
A fully realised starting book is a phenominal place for level 1 to 5 charactors. Be sure and have plenty of prep time for the DM's and you'll see how much fun is in store.
The tortles are the sweetest, most loveable group of idiots you'll meet. As neive as they are generous and...See more
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Jeremy F July 25, 2018 6:00 am UTC
5 out of 5 stars. My players had a blast on the Tortle island. And it's great as a supplement to Temple of Annihilation because a group can go from Port Nyanzaru, sail down to the Snout of Ogmar, and then enter Chult from the wastelands by the volcanoes instead of through the regular jungle route. That allows for a different feel for people who are re-playing TOA.
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Max A July 07, 2018 3:31 pm UTC
My party had absolutely no interest in the shipwrecks. The players have had previous bad luck with under-water adventures, and as soon as they found out about the haunted mansion, they decided to skip the shipwrecks entirely. The mansion itself went surprisingly smooth. I intended it to be a preview of dangerous traps to come (tomb) but they party managed to bypass or avoid almost all of them by playing smart (I wish they played that smart all the time) I think the descriptions and flavor of the module helped a lot with keeping them on the edge of their seats. The final fight went fast, but that wasn't a problem, there is plenty of scenery to chew on and nooks and crannies to explore in the mansion. The toughest fight was in the gazebo.
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Wayne S July 06, 2018 7:38 pm UTC
Ran this the day after it came out as the "opener" for Season 7. Had the group's ship crash onto the island enroute to where S7 actually starts. Threw everyone off and was a lot of fun. Neat little mini-HC/module.
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Anders T April 07, 2018 10:03 pm UTC
This is a very good sandbox HC module if you wanne play a fast HC as AL. My party had a fun time exploring the island, and some very enjoyable moments in the palace.

Would run againg
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Michael O March 16, 2018 6:55 pm UTC
The link to D&D page for Extra Life No longer works.

The team you're looking for can't be found in the system. "
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