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EB-05 A Century of Ashes



The adventurers seek out a trusted sage of Morgrave University to help them unlock the mysteries of the Oracle of War, but their studies risk upsetting powerful forces. Morgrave is said to be a beacon of knowledge shining from the city’s tallest towers, yet the adventurers soon learn that it can also be a deep pit of corruption. A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 5.

Welcome to the Oracle of War campaign, a new 20-part standalone story for the D&D Adventurers League! You can play this adventure as part of your own Eberron: Rising from the Last War campaign, or as part of the Oracle of War organized play campaign. While this campaign runs under the umbrella of the Adventurers League, it utilizes different rules. You can familiarize yourself with these unique campaign rules by checking out the Oracle of War Player's Guide and Oracle of War DM's Guide, found in the D&D Adventurers League Players Pack.

Find other adventures in the Oracle of War campaign here:

EB-01 The Night Land

EB-02 Voice in the Machine

EB-03 Where the Dead Wait

EB-04 The Third Protocol

EB-05 A Century of Ashes

EB-06 The Last Word

EB-07 Song of the Sky

EB-08 Parliament of Gears

EB-09 Lord Bucket

EB-10 Judgment of Iron

EB-11 My Undying Heart

EB-12 The Waiting Game

EB-13 Stonefire

EB-14 From Dust

EB-15 Dream Eater

EB-16 The Dragon Below

EB-17 The Final Tribute

EB-18 Scales of War

EB-19 Back to the Mud

EB-EP-01 The Iron Titan

EB-EP-02 Rolling Thunder

EB-EP-03 The Rising City

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Reviews (8)
Discussions (11)
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Angelo P March 14, 2022 8:10 pm UTC
Sorry if this is explained somewhere - Legacy Events for Still Alive and Fallen Titan - I keep going back and re-reading and there was no option to send Kalli ahead or tail Irrulan. Is that just hand waved? Just want to make sure I didn't miss something.
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Erik T April 19, 2021 8:27 pm UTC
So quick question, is Toba (the dwarf) supposed to have Multiattack? It seems like she should.
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Cory L April 19, 2021 9:11 pm UTC
no, as part of the Worst Adventuring Party Ever (tm), nether Toba nor Nine have multi-attack.
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Jordan M January 11, 2021 9:14 pm UTC
Minor spoilers

"The rakshasa and his allies attack. If Andhedra dies, the
ship—a skycoach—soars off into the night."

What if he doesn't die? Do they just get a free skycoach? The module doesn't really cover what happens if they knock him out and take him prisoner and given that those actions are previously rewarded it's reasonable to assume the party might try it.
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Cory L September 28, 2020 7:38 pm UTC
Spoilers for the module here: (not sure how to hide them)
For many people, the 'date' scene in EB05 is problematic in many ways.
1) You basically stalk/spy on Kell's date to find out info about her
2) It is possible that Kell is a Professor and Jia is a Student (I don't think this is actually true, but it is implied at some points.
3) you listen in on the date and give Kell advice during the date via sending stones.

These are all standard rom-com tropes and 5 years ago, almost no one would have blinked an eye. However, now in 2020, it is no longer considered great comedy.

I have come up with a alteration that helps remove the creep factor but still fits with the adventure as intended (at least for me). A couple of others have used it as well and feed back has been very positive, so I thought i would share it here.

here is how I changed it up.
As Kell is examining the OoW, he's very into it. Even ignores/turns off a couple of alarms. In...See more
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Robert S August 24, 2020 2:12 pm UTC
Something is a bit confusing for me. From "Meeting Zell Mar" it says "Zell Mar's office is in the library." The party is able to walk in there freely and meet Zell so they can access the library. From "Larath Hall Locations" there are "stairs that ascend from the library". That door is locked and the party needs the key from Zel (or otherwise enter). Also, it says "The dome of Lareth Hall crowns...the library".

Why would they need a key to get into something they were originally capable of just walking into?
The map for Lareth Hall appears to show the library yet there are stairs that come from the library.
Is Zell in area 5 or does he have an office?
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Malcolm W June 03, 2020 6:15 pm UTC
I just printed it off and the first thing I noticed is that all pages are numbered 28 or have no page number?
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Will D June 04, 2020 10:36 pm UTC
Oops! We'll fix this in the next update. Thanks!
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Alan D July 07, 2020 8:08 pm UTC
It looks like this has still not been fixed. Is there an ETA?
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Kjeld F May 24, 2020 3:46 pm UTC
Any word on the release date for EB-06 The Last Word?
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Will D May 25, 2020 3:18 pm UTC
Tuesday 2nd June!
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Kjeld F May 25, 2020 9:06 pm UTC
Thank you
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Tsai P May 24, 2020 3:46 pm UTC
I like this module because there are have EB05-Plain_Text_Letter_Handouts.pdf, thx!
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Will D May 26, 2020 11:34 am UTC
You're welcome! We will be providing these for all handwritten notes in future.
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Paul B May 07, 2020 2:57 pm UTC
So this is less of a question for this module specifically, and moreso for Tier 2 (and higher) Oracle of War play in general. Given that most enemies in T2 and onwards are resistant to nonmagical attacks, would it not make sense to give martial characters access to more potential magic weapon options. Forgotten Realms AL has the free +1 weapon (and other stuff) given at the start of Tier 2 now, so it seems ridiculous to handicap Oracle of War characters so excessively especially if they are going to Sharn where they could probably procure such weapons with ease.
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Will D May 12, 2020 4:15 pm UTC
Hey Paul! We won't be adopting the free +1 weapon rule. Rest assured, core modules in the tier 2 storyline will present the opportunity to earn magic weapons.
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Michael H May 06, 2020 8:47 am UTC
I would also like to know when we can expect the maps for EB-05 to be released?
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Will D May 06, 2020 9:31 am UTC
See reply below.
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CAMILLA P May 05, 2020 11:43 pm UTC
When will the maps be released for Oracle of War - Part 5?
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Will D May 06, 2020 9:31 am UTC
The adventure does include maps for all key locations - I presume you're referring to the separate battlemaps releases. We don't actually create those ourselves (nor do we commission them), so I have no idea when they'll arrive. Usually pretty quick though!
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Paul B May 07, 2020 2:48 pm UTC
I believe an independent party creates the battlemaps for the Oracle of War modules, so really whenever they get to it.
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Gaëtan P May 16, 2020 2:45 pm UTC
> We don't actually create those ourselves (nor do we commission them), so I have no idea when they'll arrive

Hey Will, you released this module in the middle of a global pandemic where nearly everyone is playing remote.

Why didn't you create and commission VTT maps?
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Will D May 22, 2020 7:27 pm UTC
Believe it or not, Gaeten, I did not have my own oracle on hand to forsee this pandemic when our budgets were assigned.
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Canon M June 03, 2020 11:27 pm UTC
I made two battlemaps for the ruined temple and lareth hall that I posted on reddit. They are scaled for roll20. Here's a link:
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File Last Updated:
May 04, 2020
This title was added to our catalog on May 04, 2020.
D&D Adventurers League
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