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EB-02 Voice in the Machine



The adventurers head deep into the Mournland to rescue a missing salvage team. In the heat of battle, they unearth a strange device from the ruins: the Oracle of War. This machine knows all the secrets they need to overcome their enemies—if only the adventurers can figure out how to operate it!  This Tier 1 adventure is optimized for APL 2, and is the second adventure in the four-part Spoils of War storyline.

Welcome to the Oracle of War campaign, a new 20-part standalone story for the D&D Adventurers League! You can play this adventure as part of your own Eberron: Rising from the Last War campaign, or as part of the Oracle of War organized play campaign. While this campaign runs under the umbrella of the Adventurers League, it utilizes different rules. You can familiarize yourself with these unique campaign rules by checking out the Oracle of War Player's Guide and Oracle of War DM's Guide, found in the D&D Adventurers League Players Pack.

Find other adventures in the Oracle of War campaign here:

EB-01 The Night Land

EB-02 Voice in the Machine

EB-03 Where the Dead Wait

EB-04 The Third Protocol

EB-05 A Century of Ashes

EB-06 The Last Word

EB-07 Song of the Sky

EB-08 Parliament of Gears

EB-09 Lord Bucket

EB-10 Judgment of Iron

EB-11 My Undying Heart

EB-12 The Waiting Game

EB-13 Stonefire

EB-14 From Dust

EB-15 Dream Eater

EB-16 The Dragon Below

EB-17 The Final Tribute

EB-18 Scales of War

EB-19 Back to the Mud

EB-EP-01 The Iron Titan

EB-EP-02 Rolling Thunder

EB-EP-03 The Rising City

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Reviews (8)
Discussions (7)
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Jason H September 26, 2020 7:09 pm UTC
I've been running this adventure via Roll20 and we ended up playing this particular module over like 5 sessions. It was great!
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Hyperlexic N September 27, 2020 11:25 pm UTC
how did you size the map? I'm trying to use the version from the battle map collection and I'm struggling...
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Jason H December 01, 2020 5:34 am UTC
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I bought the files with the color maps. I used them but then hacked them up into areas where they explored. Also FWIW, this particular adventure lasted me like 5+ sessions. lol They were really taken by it being a fantasy mall.
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Matt D January 19, 2021 4:42 am UTC
Roll20 has an "Align to Grid" feature that usually works pretty well.

However, it gets tricky if the map isn't an exact number of squares: If the map is 37 squares by 51 squares, it works. If it's 37.39 squares by 50.89 squares, it gets frustrating.

I had to import the image into a photo editor, then try to crop the edges to be an exact number of squares. This involved some estimating. Once it was done, I was able to use the Align-To-Grid feature.
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Chris G August 10, 2020 2:12 am UTC
So, a little nit pick here, but it caused me some headache.

The flyer you handout says the crew had been over due by 2 days. The bazaar is 80 miles away. 3 days hard march. At the least, the grey dogs would have been pinned down for 5 days (3 days travel, 2 over due). Then you add in 3 days player travel and that means 8 days they were trapped in the bazaar, though Kalli said 3. I had to make up a story that they got lost in the mournlands to make it make sense.
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Malcolm W April 16, 2020 2:48 am UTC
I am trying to understand the layout of the market place. Is it a series of store's and walls 15 feet high with a canopy 30 feet high covering the whole thing or are the stores 15 feet high with 30 foot walls holding up a canopy that only covers the main thoroughfare. Since the canopy is torn in many places letting dim light in throughout smart players would use a familiar on the roof to scout the hole place. Could the players be on the walls and rooftops to get from place to place?
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Will D May 12, 2020 4:18 pm UTC
Hi Malcolm, it's a single building like a shopping mall with a canopied thoroughfare. You could feasibly scout the thoroughfare using familiars. If players want climb up there, I wouldn't stop them. I'd be tempted to make the roof unstable though, so they risk plunging into the stores below.
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David S March 26, 2020 10:26 pm UTC
Is the bazar a fun house dungeon?
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Will D April 13, 2020 9:55 am UTC
I'm not sure entirely what you mean, but it is definitely fun ;)
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Alan D January 19, 2020 5:08 pm UTC
The module says that the Iron Juggernaut crashes through the south wall of the plaza. Looking at the map, it seems this is an error and it should be the North wall?
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Will D January 20, 2020 10:27 pm UTC
No, it's correct. They drive their vehicle in through the main entrance and then breach through the wall from area 6.
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Alan D January 21, 2020 9:50 pm UTC
Ah, I see now. Thanks for the clarification
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Thomas C March 15, 2020 4:46 pm UTC
Thanks! So does that leave a large hole that the PCs can get from the plaza to area 6 through? Or does it collapse in on itself?
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Anthony A January 18, 2020 10:32 pm UTC
Spoilers here. Are the players supposed to take the oracle of war with them? I see it's very heavy, and it seems like they should be in a rush to get out of there without carrying around a massive box. The module says they should find their way back to Salvation after, but makes no mention of the Oracle. Reading the preview for the 3rd module it seems like they should have it with them though. Any ideas?
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Anthony A January 19, 2020 9:12 am UTC
ignore me, I was being blind.
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Alex L June 04, 2020 3:16 pm UTC
I still think this deserves a discussion. How SHOULD the players cart around this 3½ feet high, 4½ feet wide, 2
feet deep, 220 lb. object... That's practically a small heavy body to lug around. I guess that's half the struggle, but it certainly makes it more complicated to decide to place the Oracle and fight, or lug it around. Any ideas beyond a fortunately placed bag of holding...
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Anthony A August 03, 2020 10:43 am UTC
I let the players work that out. They managed to fashion a cart to pull it around and covered in stuff they found to make it camouflaged. It was a good excuse to get a little more RP out of them and they really enjoyed working it out.
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Randy M January 08, 2020 7:28 pm UTC
What exactly is a Iron Juggernaut? Is it the old Huge sized titan warforged or is is more akin to the Stone Juggernaut from Tomb of Annihilation?
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Will D January 08, 2020 8:10 pm UTC
Closer to the stone juggernaut, but used as a vehicle by the warforged. The boxed text at the start of part 3 has a basic description of it.
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Randy M January 09, 2020 12:46 am UTC
Figured it was, as I really didn't think the warforged was riding it's shoulders. :P Just planning out minis for the adventure.
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February 03, 2020
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D&D Adventurers League
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