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DDEX1-05 The Courting of Fire (5e)Click to magnify

DDEX1-05 The Courting of Fire (5e)


The Courting of Fire

An exiled cultist and his kobold minions are spotted searching for long-forgotten ruins in the Dragonspire Mountains. Rumors say he looks for a precious gift to give a fearsome dragon that dwells there. What he hopes to attain with his gift is unknown, but can't be good for the citizens of Phlan.

An introductory adventure for 1st-4th level characters.

DDEX1-5 5E

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Marek J April 04, 2022 3:03 pm UTC
I ran this adventure in AL and received it from the organiser.
This is a fairly simple adventure to run with the connection to the overall plot. It is closely linked to DDEX1-06 but for some reason, there are basically no NPCs that link the two. There is also this weird callback to DDEX1-02 where the party met all the villains from these two stories but it doesn't actually matter. DDEX1-02 also didnt actually explain who these people are, presumably in case you switch between DMinng and playing? (But how many people really do that?) The first part with investigation can run too long if you need to fit the game into a particular time-frame so watch out for that.
The second part is a dungeoncrawl, the opening combat is fun and while I don't have tons of experience with official modules, I'd say they don't use environment as much as they could. I feel like the boulders and stones really boosted how long the kobolds could survive and opened some options for clever tactics.
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Andrew D April 21, 2020 1:54 pm UTC
it was supposed to be part of the free D&D but it wants to charge me $3 … no way to change the price to "pay whatever I want" as well …
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Hennie B April 23, 2020 1:56 pm UTC
It was, but only until the 20th of April.
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Fraser P April 14, 2020 12:15 am UTC
Hi there,
Isn't this supposed to be free this week?
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Eric M April 14, 2020 12:57 am UTC
There was no charge when I got here.
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Courtney M April 14, 2020 2:27 am UTC
unless you want a physical copy it's pay what you want.
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Visvesvaran S April 15, 2020 5:48 am UTC
It is free right now.
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david M June 05, 2019 7:35 pm UTC
I assume the Ring of Fire Resistance should be (Rare/Attunement) rather than Uncommon ...
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Dawn A April 27, 2018 6:52 pm UTC
Fun module, no real problems
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Denis C October 07, 2017 8:39 am UTC
Bought it on Dms guild login. I don't know how to merge them.

Stars: 5/5

Fun! Loved the story, loved telling it, had fun with the fights. I would definitally incorportate it in some adjusted form into other settings/custom campaign. Try it out! It works best if the players already played some other DDEX1- adventurees so they feel connected and get a confirmation that tyranny of dragons is about dragons. ;) you know what I mean.
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Visvesvaran S April 15, 2020 5:51 am UTC
Hi! It looks like there's an option on the "Contact Us" page's dropdown menu that is for exactly your issue: merging your multiple accounts.
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Guillaume C August 29, 2017 10:45 pm UTC
A fun typo at the end:
"A full description of this item can be found in the basic rules or the Dragon Master's Guide"
I have to admit, a Dragon Master's Guide sounds pretty epic.
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