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DDAL09-01 Escape From ElturgardClick to magnify
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DDAL09-01 Escape From Elturgard


Damnation! The Companion that once stood as a beacon of hope and goodness above the city of Elturel has been extinguished and the entire city—along with its denizens—have been drawn into Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells! While those fortunate enough to have been outside of the city’s walls during its departure have been spared that fate, but they’re not yet out of danger! The refugees formed a caravan bound for the nearby city of Baldur’s Gate. Can you keep them safe from devils, bandits, and one another until they reach safety?

Four One-Hour Mini-Adventures for 1st to 2nd Characters. Optimized for APL 1.

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Michael C October 13, 2023 7:13 pm UTC
Purchased by my FLGS for me to run. Was good for a smaller table, they loved the last part and interacting with all the NPCs to solve the mystery. Younger player had a harder time following along, but enjoyed the combats in the first few sections.
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CHRISTOPHER B July 16, 2022 3:57 am UTC
I know this is has been out for a bit now, but for the Hideout Entrance, it states "One of the two wooden doors leading into the building is ajar", while the map only shows one door leading in. Is this an oversight?
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Johan J November 08, 2021 6:46 pm UTC
Easy going villager adventures. Some nice character portraits for the NPC:s. Could be fun to make a prequel were you get to know these folk before the catastrophe.
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Douglas C April 15, 2021 4:42 pm UTC
Where are the NPC stats (not monsters) and why did I receive two copies of the same thing?
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Daniel F March 23, 2021 1:19 am UTC
The Uh Green Steel coins don't seem to be mentioned again anywhere?
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Danny O April 19, 2020 11:19 am UTC
Hi Rich,
I wanted to firstly say I really enjoyed this adventure. Initially got it from the Wizards page for free but paid for it today as a thank you to you and the team that created it.

I ran this adventure in Fantasy grounds and created a module for it. Quite a good one if I do blow my own trumpet :P. I would like to see if you would be OK to allow its publication on the DM's guild.

Waiting to hear from you :).
Again Cheers.
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Rich L May 21, 2020 5:51 pm UTC
Hi, Danny. Sorry for the delayed response. I don't get notifications for this adventure. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! As far as working in an FG version, that's not my decision to make, as I am just the adventure's author. If there is to be any VTT release of this adventure, that would have to be done at the behest of the AL admins at WotC. AFAIK, FG modules for recent AL adventures aren't sold on DMs Guild. If they are, they're likely to be directly bundled with the PDF.
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Christopher R September 20, 2022 4:29 am UTC
I noticed that you could buy the FG module for this adventure directly on the Fantasy Grounds website. It is in the store section. It is odd that you can't buy these right here on DMsguild.
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Aiden K March 10, 2020 5:28 pm UTC
I am running this directly after "Baldur's Gate: The Fall of Elturel" an introductory adventure I found on DM's Guild.

Lots of fun and adds to the background/reasoning of why the characters even end up in Baldur's Gate to start with.
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Ian Adly I February 01, 2020 6:51 pm UTC
I feel Billiam's part of the quest was a bit too easy for players to like "Well, we can't convince him to come with us so let's him to die." I think it's just better to make Billiam willing to come then ask the PCs to get whatever that was needed.
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John T March 16, 2020 2:09 am UTC
This whole section played out poorly. The characters did not care at all about Billiam and ended up deceiving him to come along. This section needs to be reworked.
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Bob T November 12, 2019 2:34 pm UTC
Just ran this one at MACE. The module is well written. It is a starter module with 4 mini-adventures. It is also only for levels 1 and 2. So Be very aware of that when planning to run it at a convention. I ran it in a 4 hour time slot which meant people either leveled out after half the adventure or they had to decline levels to play through.
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James M November 17, 2019 7:46 pm UTC
I’m a little wary after the Season 8 modules. Could you speak to the prep time required to get the adventures playable? Good appendices? Internal consistency?
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Bob T January 27, 2020 4:06 pm UTC
Prep time was mainly reading the module. It had the stat block for any monsters/NPCs they need to fight. Some maps which was useful. I like the "Playing the Pillars" sections they started adding in season 8 and continued in this season. It gives a party options if they are not just hack and slash. One challenge in a convention setting is that since people are leveling after each section, you need some time to let them adjust their characters. If you have novice players, I recommend building in some break time. my recommendation is to skip the poet section since it is mostly fluff and ability checks. Maybe just run the RP part to convince him. Frankly, the last section is rather weak. It should be a murder mystery, but the clues are somewhat nebulous. it would be better if the real challenge is for the party to decide what to do- execute their own justice in the wild or bring in the murderer.
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File Last Updated:
October 29, 2019
This title was added to our catalog on September 06, 2019.
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