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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races (5e)Click to magnify
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DDAL07-03 A Day at the Races (5e)


The Merchant Princes have a treat in store for everyone!

A new team-based event has been added to the roster and the factions are throwing their hats into the ring. Climb aboard and saddle up!

Part One of The Jungle Has Fangs Trilogy.

We (Wizards) recognize that some of the legacy content available on this website does not reflect the values of the Dungeons & Dragons franchise today. Some older content may reflect ethnic, racial, and gender prejudice that were commonplace in American society at that time. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today. This content is presented as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed. Dungeons & Dragons teaches that diversity is a strength, and we strive to make our D&D products as welcoming and inclusive as possible. This part of our work will never end.

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Jonathan L June 30, 2020 11:43 pm UTC
Given WotC's recent statement on diversity and the changes they have made to books like Curse of Strahd and Tomb of Annihilation to remove cultural insensitivity, it's high time the misappropriation of the Māori haka was removed from this module. Pacific cultures should not be viewed as interchangeable with African ones.
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Hone N August 26, 2020 7:26 am UTC
As a Kiwi who is part Maori, You've just inspired me to get this now. This is a fantasy culture, not an African one, and can be inspired by both pacific and african real world cultures at the same time, so I think it probably won't be a problem, but I'll check it out.
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Hone N August 26, 2020 7:38 am UTC
Dissapointed there doesn't seem to be a real Haka here, its just a name for a race. Dont see anything worth your complaint though.
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daniel R December 04, 2018 8:12 pm UTC
This was a very fun adventure to run at Kumoricon 2017. I'll admit I didn't quite understand how dinosaur racing was supposed to work. But I had also not started the ToA hardcover. My players still had a lot of fun, they did become frustrated with the end fight, however I think it was because they man/may not have been making the best of battle decisions.
One thing I'd ask to have included, if it's not already, is a more detailed page on how to run he dinosaur races. As i stated, it seemed like we would have to had the hardcover at the same time.
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jimmy H November 14, 2018 10:28 pm UTC
Does this ever say what wanderl0st actually does?
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tyler B January 11, 2019 10:08 am UTC
yes, at the back of the module. wanderlust is a poison that's very deadly
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Ryan V August 30, 2018 6:45 pm UTC
4/5 This can be a lot of fun if and only if the DM is willing and able to add a lot of dramatic flair, play loose with the "rules" and just say "yes" to most of what the players want to do.
If you're a by the rules grognard then this one is not for you, but otherwise it's fun.
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Ben M August 30, 2018 2:02 am UTC
I've both played and DM'ed this module and I think I enjoyed running it the most. My players made it really funny, and somehow they lost a sizeable league in the last leg to finish last. It can be a little skill check heavy and turn into a little bit of a slog, but I mitigated it some by pre-rolling the NPC teams as much as possible beforehand. One memorable moment was I had a player win the bet with the worst odds. Also on that note, the way the betting works is a little weird. I'd prefer if everyone bet on one "race." The way it's written now let's everyone be able to bet on a different animal even though they'd essentially be racing each other, so that doesn't really make any sense.

Rating: 4/5
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Benjamin D August 26, 2018 3:48 am UTC
Definately one of the more fun missions available in Season 7. I have run it at least 4-5 times now because the Druids at our shop see it as a one spot stop to learn all the dino shapes.
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Oh E August 20, 2018 3:06 pm UTC
If you're into adding your own flair and flavour to your games, this adventure gives you a lot of room to do so. Even with a fair amount of embellishment, it only took me about an hour and a half to run, so be sure to have a second module ready to go as well.
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Alicia H August 17, 2018 11:58 pm UTC
This adventure is awesome. Its one probably the only quest in tomb of annihilation where players can somewhat relax and just have fun. There is combat, but the races portion is so much fun.
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Rebecca L July 20, 2018 5:40 pm UTC
This adventure is a ton of fun - lives up to its name, as you get to experience the whole package of animal racing, from the gambling to actually participating in the race itself. There's not a ton of combat but there are plenty of opportunities to do something clever with your abilities!
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Joshua L July 01, 2018 8:40 pm UTC
Skill check heavy, combat light. I enjoyed playing it a lot more than running it, but that's probably just due to my styles as Player and DM.

The biggest positive about the adventure is that it's easy to run it Theater of the Mind style.
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Alex F June 10, 2018 8:03 pm UTC
A nice fun adventure without too many frills! Very funny!
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Lorenzo A June 10, 2018 1:07 pm UTC
It's very funny!

Basically a mario cart inside the d&d settlement. we achieved a multi-table style for this module, that was fun
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JJ W June 07, 2018 4:27 pm UTC
It was a good run but I would have liked the info to be orangised in bullet points. The betting was off yes, as in shouldn't there have been only one winner dino in the 1st part.

Some confirmation if it was a check DC or contest of skills for the flying part I would have liked.

The 3rd part of the race should have included some check to move the water dino about.

General full stat blocks for the NPC racers would be nice, if the players try to use power s and what not

But it was a good choice to run, for a crowd who was good to game but fatigued from gaming for 3 hours already.
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Charles F June 03, 2018 11:02 pm UTC
I want to like this adventure SO MUCH because the ideas are great. But honestly, it feels pretty flat. Players will have fun if you run it right because the concept is fabulous, but as it's written... it's really just eh.

1. The mechanics of betting on the dinosaurs is weird. Each bet is treated and evaluated separately? That's so strange. Fortunately for me, my party all split up their bets and only one of them won. But still, it's strange.

2. The race itself, while a great idea, should be a absolutely crushing in the party's favor — which takes away a lot of tension. Especially if they're allowed to use powers. But if they aren't, then what's the real point? Plus, if the rolls go poorly for a bit then suddenly the game screeches to a hault.

3. The water section doesn't really make any sense in terms of diving and how long people can be under water.

So, overall, better idea than mod. Which is a shame because it's a great idea.
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Tyson P October 23, 2020 11:47 pm UTC
About to run this and did a dry run of the race and it feels clunky. I also don't understand the water section of the race as written, it goes into how long you can hold your breath, but no mention of how long it takes to move a piece to the net or what kind of check it is, or how heavy it actually is? I mean my tortle has a 20 strength, so .. what doe he need to roll? We'll see how it goes, doing this as a one shot for my group as several players couldn't make it...
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john J May 23, 2018 3:10 pm UTC
Nice introductory adventure for new players with a well balanced mix of exploration, puzzle solving and combat.
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Nathan D April 28, 2018 10:25 pm UTC
This adventure was just OK for me. If players are rolling reasonably well and progressing through the race at a good pace, then it can be a very fun and exciting adventure. However, especially in the last phase of the race, a string of bad rolls can slow things down a lot and take the energy out of the table.

The adventure is also pretty unclear about why the players are joining the race. The way I read it, there is suspicion of Yuan-ti dino doping which the Harpers decide they will somehow uncover by signing up a team of adventurers who have never raced dinosaurs before in their life for the biggest dinosaur race of the year, and then none of that cheating behavior actually ends up happening in the race. My players actually thought they were SUPPOSED to try to not be ahead, so they could catch the other racers in the act when they feed their dinosaur steroids. I think we are supposed to assume that the vial found on the yuan-ti woman is the dino steroids, but the mod doesn't say at all that the substance...See more
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