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DDAL05-05 A Dish Best Served Cold (5e)Click to magnify
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DDAL05-05 A Dish Best Served Cold (5e)


Stagwick’s long-standing peace with giant-kind is threatened as a patrol of Blood Riders spark a feud with a local tribe of giants.

With word of strange activity coming from the Ice Spires, Good King Hartwick can’t be too careful.

Can you quench the giants’ thirst for revenge?

A Two-Hour Adventure for 5th-10th Level Characters

Also included in the purchase of this adventure is a version specially converted for use with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop software. The converted adventure features all the text and maps from the original adventure along with cross-linking of monsters, spells, magic items, equipment, and story elements, plus the powerful rules automation for which Fantasy Grounds is known.

We (Wizards) recognize that some of the legacy content available on this website does not reflect the values of the Dungeons & Dragons franchise today. Some older content may reflect ethnic, racial, and gender prejudice that were commonplace in American society at that time. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today. This content is presented as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed. Dungeons & Dragons teaches that diversity is a strength, and we strive to make our D&D products as welcoming and inclusive as possible. This part of our work will never end.

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Michael C May 31, 2023 6:31 pm UTC
Game Store Purchased and I ran for their organized play program. Great module, and great intro to the T2 storyline. A good chance of scenery after all the T1 modules in Parnast. The group loved the NPCs, had a great time roleplaying and loved the encounter in the middle with the random magical effects!
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Andrew K July 26, 2022 4:48 am UTC
One of my favorite official adventures league adventures. It does one thing I love humanizing the creatures we see in the monster manual and a very good version of the "Rescue my lost son" type adventure we commonly see
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Thomas L March 09, 2022 5:58 am UTC
I am getting this message when attempting to mark up the document: "Without the owner password, you do not have permission to save this document" How am I not the owner after purchasing it? What is the password?
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Heather N May 27, 2020 10:39 pm UTC
Looks like a ton of fun, but what is the included .mod file supposed to be? We can't find anything to open it.
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Daxton N June 01, 2020 1:12 pm UTC
mod file extension are usually audio files. The MOD file format is the standard music module format that is used by the majority of audio tracking applications. MOD files contain note patterns, instrument numbers and controller messages. The file has different sound samples assigned to different tracks within the file.
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Benjamin M June 05, 2020 10:58 pm UTC
Yes, but in this case, this is a file that can be used by the Fantasy Grounds VTT program.
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nick W September 21, 2018 1:03 am UTC
Awesome Module, the reward is definitely overpowered, but don't let that dissuade you from an awesome adventure one-shot.
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Chris K July 18, 2018 5:27 pm UTC
See my review of 'A Dish Best Served Cold' on my D&D blog WITHOUT SPOILERS to ruin the fun!
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Juan A July 14, 2018 4:53 am UTC
Running this mod keep this statement in mind
"Not all monsters are monsters and sometimes the true monsters aren't monsters"

I enjoyed running… the first half of the mod. Introducing giantfolk that don't walk to crush you sets the theme for the quote above.
The treants attack out of misunderstanding, but can be persuaded down. (Monster but not monster).
The hag coven in disguise. (True monster but doesn't look like a monster).
Ettin love. (He's definetly a monster, but not a monster)
Then theres the orcs, 100% monsters lol
Blood thirsty Blood Riders (Not mosnters, but monsters)

Now for the second half, before your players get to the final camp take into consideration their play styles to help prepare how many blood riders are there. If your group more rp heavy and not combat focused, take out a few riders because if a fight does break out its 100% a tpk unless theyre super lucky. If your group more "kill now, questions later"...See more
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Lorenzo A June 10, 2018 1:07 pm UTC
It's a typical straight to the objective module, BUT! the dm can improve the game chosing a nice encounter (4 different ones!). Very short storyline for a t2 season tho :(
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Charles F June 03, 2018 10:48 pm UTC
I've run this twice, and both times the players have gone down very different routes: one sneaking in and sneaking out, the other walking straight in and making a huge challenge. It's a pretty fun module, but definitely not the best of them.

I think the best thing about it is the way you can drop it in to SKT if your players are in the north — there's lot of opportunity to bring the characters in and gives stakes they can manage. As a stand alone, though, it's better than average but not a must play.
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Marvin N January 30, 2018 9:28 pm UTC
As a DM it is enjoyable because I have so many options based on how well I know my players.

As a player I enjoyed it because it won't necessarily be the same thing twice if I play it again with different characters.
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Matthew W January 14, 2018 6:39 pm UTC
This adventure starts with a good hook: a NPC's prejudice jeopardizes long-standing peace between Hartsvale's residents and neighboring Frost Giant community. PCs are given a deadline to successfully return - or risk the sparking of a war.

A confusing jumble of clues is present at the site of the giant Burleigh's abduction and another locale. You have to play detective to decipher what transpired and who may be involved. Failure to do so could mean you make poor decisions in the future.

Once the Blood Rider encampment is discovered, characters must decide how they want to proceed into the camp for a rescue mission. Depending on player choices, this encounter can produce many possible conclusions. The mechanics shaping how the encounter plays out are sound. Creativity may be rewarded.

I really enjoyed the various story awards that characters could accrue based on their decisions and the adventure's results. There is no question the awards might aid or complicate future adventures...See more
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Jude F November 25, 2017 8:12 pm UTC
This is a very cut-and-dry module, which gives a great opportunity for a DM to really show off his or her creative skills. The party greatly enjoyed this module. 4/5
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Matthew S September 24, 2017 4:31 pm UTC
Solid scenario.
Pros: Short, relatively easygoing with decently adjusted encounters and replay options.
Cons: Only really comes to life with a DM who is willing to be creative and role-play out potential encounters, and be flexible.
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July 03, 2017 10:36 pm UTC
Rating 3/5

A decent adventure with an ending that can be a huge fight, anti-climatic, or somewhere in between. There is a bit of a who-done-it story line and depending on the roll for random encounter can add some real interesting fights. The only reason I gave a 3 instead of 4 is because of the swingy nature of how this module plays out. the 1st time I played it I had lots of fun, the second time was rather lame.
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Hannah G November 30, 2016 12:13 am UTC
Does this file include maps for non-AL play?
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October 13, 2016
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