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DDAL05-04 In Dire Need (5e)Click to magnify
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DDAL05-04 In Dire Need (5e)


An expedition of dwarf warriors from Citadel Adbar finds itself isolated and besieged by Ice Spire ogres and their allies. They require immediate relief or they risk being destroyed to a dwarf.

SEER has directed you to their location in the hopes that you can rescue the dwarves and save their precious cargo, a tablet bearing secrets of ancient rune magic.

A Two-Hour Adventure for 5th-10th Level Characters

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Michael C August 04, 2023 6:21 pm UTC
Purchased by my FLGS for AL play. Players had a blast, and came up with some great solutions (and not even the 'setpiece' solutions given as suggestions). Lots of fun, and a great way to set up the upcoming confrontation with the giants!
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Michael B July 06, 2022 2:44 pm UTC
When running this adventure for new players, what version of the magic item do we give them now?
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Thomas A July 30, 2019 1:54 pm UTC
This was a ton of fun, I really enjoyed playing through this.
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Matt K January 14, 2018 5:19 am UTC
Just ran this module tonight. The group was 7 7th level players. It took a total of 6 hours to complete the module, granted we spent some time eating, drinking, and had a couple smoke breaks in there. The combat scenarios felt a little too easy even after I had beefed them up a bit. Overall I loved this module. Great experience, the players came up with some interesting ideas and came up with several of the suggested solutions on their own.
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Matthew W January 14, 2018 1:23 am UTC
Great adventure. The adventure abstract makes the PCs a heroic strike team sent to rescue a beleaguered force of dwarfs - stuck in an unwinnable situation - behind enemy lines. Seeking knowledge is an equally important goal.

This adventure will require your party to make and adjust strategy. Deaths or TPK is never far away from the party. Arrival to the rescue site can tax your material and spell slot resources. It is doubtless that rescue will tax your creativity and your party's cohesion and skills. The text presents several viable options to accomplish the check-points and goals. I would not be at all surprised to have a party generate other solutions. On a bad day, a party could find itself mentally hamstrung.

There are many possible full and partial successes or failures. Many kudos.
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Jude F November 25, 2017 8:09 pm UTC
This module has a great hook: a distress call! The party used the skills present in their diverse party to their advantage when it was apparent that just running in and beating your way to the rescue would be a bad idea. This is a great module to allow the kit of your characters' really shine. I highly recommend this module to players and DMs alike. 5/5
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Jim T October 15, 2017 12:48 am UTC
Jay, I had a player (a Les Mis fan) splurge on a Revivify for Private Ruddlock, largely because of his first name. :)
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Nate N May 22, 2017 3:32 pm UTC
Without listing the magic item, which I know if frowned on, can anyone tell me where to find the stats for it. - I found the DMG for generic armor of this variant, and I found the armor page of the PHB. This item seems to be a specific type from 3.5e (as I found many references online about it using the 3.5e method of armor stats), but seems to be a mashup of several 5e armor types. Is it Medium, or is it heavy armor (not counting it's variant)? What is the AC base before magic variant? - I can't imagine I am the only one asking this.... but can't seem to find the answer. Thank for your help.
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Matt P April 26, 2017 9:35 pm UTC
Is it possible to get this updated to fix the text selection issues? I can't highlight text properly. It keeps grabbing big boxes of text not individual words or sentences.
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James F February 10, 2017 12:36 pm UTC
Any chance of making a Fantasy Grounds Module for this adventure?
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Jeremy R January 21, 2017 1:14 pm UTC
Is this optimised for 5 level 7 characters or 5 level 8 characters?
(Page 2 says level 7 & page 3 says level 8)
I'm planning to run it as a one-shot with pregens, (i.e. not as part of the Adventurers League) so don't want to make it too hard/easy.

It looks like a great adventure btw. It's tight but not on rails, has no inconsistencies or plot holes, and gives the players a clear motivation to get involved. Quite an achievement for a 2-3 hour adventure.
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Jasmine L February 27, 2017 10:39 am UTC
I believe it's level 7.
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Jeremy R February 27, 2017 11:34 pm UTC
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Stephen M December 17, 2016 5:11 am UTC
Jay, I'm prepping to DM this next week, and I'm enjoying the detail. From the unpredictable hazards of the ascent, to the tight-knit "dogface" squads of Dorf trainees, to the "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" set piece option at the end: fun stuff! Thanks for content like this: much appreciated.
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Allen S November 16, 2016 4:02 am UTC
I have in my party, Ranger3, Ranger2, Rouge2(soon to die, maybe), Wizard1, Barbarian2, and Warlock3. I was playing paladin2 but our DM could not continue due to work schedule problems so I am stepping up to be the new DM... This will be an interesting adventure.
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November 13, 2016 5:20 am UTC
Great adventure. I liked that, unlike many other tier 2 adventures, 5th level characters can actually contribute to solving the main challenge.

Can anyone tell me the name of the dwarf that owned the armor you can get as a reward for this adventure? I thought it was on the cert so I didn't write it down, but it is not. I'd like to have it for role playing going forward.

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November 08, 2016 8:43 pm UTC
Just wanted to say that I played this adventure at Gamehole Con and loved it! Our party consisted of, Paladin 5, Cleric 8, Cleric 7, Fighter/Rogue 3/3, Evoker 6, Swashbuckler 5. We were challenged and an unlucky role on an encounter table gave us a truly scary fight but we overcame without loss of life. Quick, out of the box thinking, allowed us to rescue the Dwarves and make it out alive. Really fun adventure!
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Kevin M November 01, 2016 12:40 pm UTC
Why is this adventure levels 5-10? If you play 5-1 through 5-3 the best you can do is 3rd level, so now you have to skip playing my SKT character or play him in something else so I can come back to Season 5? I do not understand the logic here.
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Francisco A November 01, 2016 1:54 pm UTC
That is what I was thinking. Previous seasons had about 4 tier 1 adventures before a tier 2 came out. My players have ran all of the other adventures for the seasons already with different characters. The next tier 1 adventure will not be available until January.
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Jeremey A November 01, 2016 2:53 pm UTC
So I would remind everyone that this is not uncommon in organized play. Seasons like Seasons 1 and 4 are not the norm. There are multiple plots occurring simultaneously this season. Narratively it makes sense for these adventures to come out this way because each tier has its own subplot that occurs concurrently with the others to tell the larger metaplot. Go look at a PFS season and see how the adventures upon release are tiered or at previous DnD OP campaigns and you'll see this is not uncommon.
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Kevin M November 01, 2016 3:53 pm UTC
Uncommon, but very much NOT practical for players or convention organizers. If I start a 1st-level character with the intention of playing him/her in SKT for Season 5, unless I die I don't want to have to switch back and forth with other characters because adventures are not coming out in sequence. And, what if I'm new to AL and don't have another character? This adventure was on the table at a convention I attended two weeks ago, and I was not the only person that passed on it because they didn't want to play more than one character in a season or did not have a second one of higher level. Frankly, that was the ONLY thing I liked about Season 4 that the adventures were sequential. Now there are two extremely annoying things about Season 5 hanging before us players (this issue right out of the gate, and the moronic idea of doing two-hour adventures just to charge conventions more money for events) that is going to make us think twice about playing these adventures. You said it yourself Jeremey .... "organized...See more
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November 01, 2016 5:39 pm UTC
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Kevin M November 02, 2016 1:03 pm UTC
Jay, many of us that ask these questions are long-time veterans of organized play, so while I thank you for the advice/comment and appreciate your wide-eyed enthusiasm, you are missing the point entirely. I also apologize for posting this to your author/comment thread, but unfortunately DMG/AL does not have a forum or other official venue to post these types of inquiries.

Part of the appeal, at least for gamers like myself, in playing a season start-to-finish with the same character is the accomplishment of said feat. While there are a fair number of players and DMs who have a wide range of AL characters, I think there are just as many that do not. Since I am one of the later, not having these events in sequential tiers means I'm probably going to reconsider playing this season. Like many in this world we all have other concerns and responsibilities that prevent us from playing every weekend, and for the times we can spare in our busy lives this assumption that everyone has 3-6 characters they can...See more
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Brian F November 05, 2016 5:30 am UTC
I am brand new to AL, I am curious, are the tiers each a subplot? So the Black Road plot ends with the last adventure and this new tier begins a new subplot? Is this and Best Served Cold tied together?
Also, when do these adventures publish? 1st of the month?
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