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CCC-UCON-01 Blood & FogClick to magnify
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CCC-UCON-01 Blood & Fog


Heavy mists have plagued the area around Phlan for weeks, even after the reported death of
Vorgansharax, the Maimed Virulence. People have been disappearing in those deadly fogs, and
now dead bodies are turning up. A D&D Adventurer’s League adventure set in the Quivering

A 4-hour Adventure for 5th – 10th Level Characters

This adventure originally debuted as custom content for the U-Con convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Visit them at

I have other DM's Guild offerings, as well:

Feedback is always welcome - please leave your thoughts here, on enworld, or contact me directly at or on Twitter (@warfteiner).

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Customer avatar
Dorietta M February 07, 2023 6:24 am UTC
Loved this module. As someone who played AL Curse of Strahd in order loved the Got a Puppy Story Award. Wished there was info on the puppy like is he really the puppy from Curse of Strahd.
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Alan P March 05, 2023 6:31 am UTC
Hey hey! I'm really glad you liked the adventure.

I'm the person that led the pitch on the CCC program to Wizards of the Coast, back when I was on the DDAL team. To support the pitch, this was the very first CCC adventure, and it had some extra considerations placed upon it that would be loosened in later years. Namely, the puppy: as far as I'm concerned, and as is my intent (though I couldn't dictate it in the adventure), this puppy is one and the same as one that was encountered in the Curse of Strahd adventure series.

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Anson D January 28, 2018 4:04 pm UTC
Why the excessive downtime punishment attached to the magic item?

Do you have to pay the extra 30 downtime even when trading at the table where it normally costs nothing?
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Caleb Z July 23, 2017 12:50 am UTC
Loved the module when I read it. Then I ran it and it was more fun than I had thought. Is there a follow up module to this one? Is there one planned if there is not a follow up?
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Alan P July 25, 2017 12:17 pm UTC
Sooooooorta. I didn't want people to feel like they were drowning in history lessons (I have Window to the Past for that, hah!) so I did continue some of the story references from the tail end of this adventure in another CCC... which is releasing to DM's Guild in a week or so.

I did two CCCs for a local event; one of them is tier 2 and heavily influenced by a certain gang of sleuthing teens and their giant dog, and the other one is tier 3 and heavily fey-themed (this one hits the 'continuation' story beats without being a true sequel).

Glad you liked it!
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david W August 09, 2017 6:25 pm UTC
I'm really looking forward to running this next weekend for some of us that aren't making it to GenCon. Are the two CCC's you are referring to from Links con? I loved playing in those there and can't wait until they are released on dmsguild so I can run them at my local store here!
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Alan P August 10, 2017 4:22 am UTC
I'm glad you got a kick out of them, and that you like Blood & Fog!

CCC-LINKS-01 Champion of the People is now up:

CCC-LINKS-02 The Secrets We Keep is getting another editing pass and I'm checking out art samples before posting. Hopefully by Monday!
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Jonathan S May 02, 2017 3:48 pm UTC
This is perhaps my favorite CCC content. I enjoy the richness of the story, the tie-in's to Season 4 modules, and the use of little-used villains. I have recommended it to several of the cons I volunteer with, and I included it in my own convention. Twice.
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Alan P July 25, 2017 12:17 pm UTC
that's awesome! thanks :)
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Vasilie C January 06, 2017 6:45 pm UTC
Excellent adventure! My players had a blast. It is very combat heavy but there are many options for encounters, so you never get the same adventure twice. Overall I would totally recommend this adventure. The item at the end is a cursed item, which doesn't play well in Adventure League (because it can cause the character attuned to it to attack his friends). I modified it so the player that wants to keep it has to pay $180 gold to remove curse on himself and the weapon. That way it becomes a +1 flail that also grants +1 HP per level and advantage on tracking (wisdom) checks to track humans.
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Alan P July 25, 2017 12:18 pm UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed it! You may wish to check out how cursed items work in 5e, though. A remove curse simply allows the character to remove the attunement - it does not touch the other properties. It's a tradeoff, for sure.
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Sabriel M January 03, 2017 4:18 am UTC
My players had a lot of fun with this one. Half of them had played in Barovia before, and had even played the module this one mentions, so it was great being able to interweave their exploits from that adventure into this one.
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December 28, 2016 9:48 pm UTC
How come the main file isn't a pdf file?
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Alan P December 28, 2016 11:49 pm UTC
Strange. Should've been; it is now.
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Ryan T December 20, 2016 4:56 am UTC
I have the magic item from this module and I don't know much about the stats or anything, could someone please help me
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Benjamin L December 19, 2016 6:50 pm UTC
Is there a reason that this adventure retains it's CCC adventure code as opposed to converting to DDAL for dmsguild release? See other CCC adventures for examples.
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Alan P December 20, 2016 2:17 am UTC
No CCC uses a DDAL code. There are a few publishers that added that code in error (no fault of their own; we've made some terminology clearer going forward) but they have all been very helpful in resolving those matters.

All CCC adventures use a code format of CCC-xxx, where xxx is typically the name of their show or company/ organization abbreviation (ie: CCC-BMG-PHLAN1, etc)
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Benjamin L December 20, 2016 8:01 pm UTC
Ok. I'm trying to build a list of adventure codes (with a bunch of other metadata), and I'm finding that a lot of adventures have multiple codes associated with them and the formatting of the code is not consistent. Do you know if there's a guide for how these are intended to be coded, and do you know if there is an authoritative location for the correct code?
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James L November 03, 2022 7:14 pm UTC
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Paul G December 16, 2016 6:45 am UTC
Am I right to assume that this module does not have any cert file for the magic item? Not sure if I am just not seeing it.
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Alan P December 17, 2016 5:03 pm UTC
They should be there. Let me know?
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Vi F June 09, 2017 3:24 am UTC
was this figured out?
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Alan P June 09, 2017 8:39 pm UTC
I never heard back from the original poster, but the file has been there since the beginning. Enjoy! :)
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