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Banquet of the Damned

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"This was an amazing one-shot to DM."

"This is a well written and well put together mystery, which is an absolute rarity for modules."

"The writing and the art blend perfectly to set the right mood and there's a right blend of role-play and combat."

Banquet of the Damned is a mystery adventure for a party of 4th level characters. It takes place in the village of Womford (Forgotten Realms) during the fall but you can easily adapt the adventure to any farming hamlet.

An ancient evil lurks in the shadows of Womford. While everybody is getting ready for the annual pie contest, a vile creature is carefully preparing its next move. It’s only a matter of time before it wrests control of the gluttonous swine of Womford. Will your PCs stop it before it's too late?

In this adventure, you will find:

  • 20 pages of illustrated content (color)
  • 4 to 6 hours of gameplay
  • 4 new monsters never seen before, including the repulsive gulabus
  • A full description of the village of Womford
  • Digital maps for your virtual tabletop (PDF Only)
  • A printer-friendly DM Companion Booklet with monster stats and detailed scaling guidelines (levels 2 to 6; PDF Only)

Check out our other adventures on DriveThruRPG and on the Dungeon Master's Guild:

The Ghost and the Peddler The Chapel on the Cliffs The Butcher of Alcross Scarab of Death

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Olha P September 12, 2022 6:29 pm UTC
Hello, Benoit! I would like not only to play your adventure, but also to translate it into Ukrainian for many of our DMs who might be looking for a nice ;) Halloween adventure. So I ask for your kind permission to translate the banquet and re-publish it again here, with all credits of course. Please let me know, whether you agree or forbid to do it.
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Jeremy P January 19, 2022 4:52 pm UTC
Fantastic module! And the maps included for Womford and for its environs are very well made. I'd like to print these maps out for the players in my Princes of the Apocalypse campaign! But first, if possible, I would like to fix a typo: Goldenfields is incorrectly labeled "Glenfields" on the regional map (on both the player and DM versions). Would it be possible for a corrected version be provided, please? Thanks!
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John T March 11, 2020 5:38 pm UTC
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Luke A August 05, 2019 2:47 pm UTC
Hello Benoit,
I really would like to run this module, however I am absolutely positive that my players would want to join the pie-eating contest. In the module it states that all villagers that eat the pie in the contest die. Any workaround for a careless party so I don't have to TPK them? Thanks!
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Benoit D August 06, 2019 6:40 am UTC
Hi Luke,

If the characters stop the gulabus before the pie contest, the event still occurs. If they don't, it won't be a TPK, just a tought fight.

Note that all the villagers don't die, only the four poor guys who turned into vomit spawns. The villagers who didn't eat the pies are unscathed, as are some of those who ate them. The rest of the villagers become minions under the control of the gulabus.

Sorry if that section of the adventure was a bit confusing :(.
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Catherine C July 01, 2019 3:29 pm UTC
Great content!
My players did things in a fun/interesting order, chased the kids, got lots of info, found the dog, talked to him - killed the Gulabus. But then they got distracted doing some shopping, and focused on trying to get the reward from Garrick and showed up too late at the contest - almost got killed by the vomit spawn at the end. But the mystery of the fire really engaged them right from the get-go. Loved it.
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Sylvain D May 25, 2019 8:25 am UTC
Hey there,
First wanted to thank you for the amazing content!
Second : going through the companion booklet (great idea btw) I've notice something that might be a mistake (or my brain that doesn't compute):
For a group of 3rd levels adventurer you advise to scale up the difficulty (6 vomit spawn instead of 4, 3 maggots instead of 2, 7 hunter instead of 6) but next chapter you say the module is already optimized for 4th levels and don't advise change. So I have my head scratching
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Benoit D May 25, 2019 8:37 am UTC
Yes, I downgraded the monster statistics of the Vomit Spawn. So for a group of 3rd level characters, you would use 6 CR 1/2 Vomit Spawns and four a group of 4th level characters, four CR 1 Vomit Spawns.

The idea of the companion booklet was to be able to print out the two pages of the corresponding level and use the monster statistics on those pages.

Anyways, I understand the confusion... I probably should have thought about this a bit more :).
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Alber G January 08, 2019 12:55 pm UTC
mira otro título mega crónico, lo que yo no entiendo es por qué no nos dejan tener traducido todo ya en castellano y tener acceso a compra...
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Benoit D January 08, 2019 3:21 pm UTC
Nos dan la opción escribir libros en otras idiomas pero no se puede traducir automáticamente como en google translate :(. Es por eso que te cuesta encontrar libros en Castellano. Hay algunos titulos en el DM's Guild pero muy pocos.
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Alber G January 08, 2019 6:04 pm UTC
no sabes de lo que escribes, vaya otro rey mago... pero vamos que no serás peor que el autor del Banquet of the Damned seguro, de calle...
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José María I December 11, 2018 5:22 pm UTC
I am going to run this in January. It is my DM comeback, my old players want a one shot and they miss my style (very Scooby Doo…ish), so I find this adventure suitable.
I want to make this special for them, so I am going to print the maps and use specific miniatures, but I have questions.
- What miniatures should I use (how many, models, etc)?
- How many encounters are there for sure?
- Is there a printable version of the maps?
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Paul M December 10, 2018 4:13 am UTC
I am so excited to run this adventure. Quick question for you or anyone else who would like to comment.
How do you make a document like this?

Get/make the page art
Put it into photoshop (make a template)
Add the words (find fonts)
Plan the layout
Add pictures
The end

??? Am I in the right ball park of ideas.
Thanks in advance for the help!

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Benoit D December 10, 2018 9:57 am UTC
I used InDesign and Photoshop for the layouts. I wanted to work with Word at first, but I couldn't set the bleed settings for the print version and so I ended up switching.

I'm not going to lie, it took me a while to learn all the graphic design stuff. It's a lot harder than it looks! Learning how to use the tools is the easier part. Learning how to make a document that is pleasant to look and read is the hard part.
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Nicholas B December 08, 2018 3:49 pm UTC
Running this on Friday for my group of seasoned players and 1 newcomer to the realm of tabletop gaming. One question I have about the DM map of Womford is the location of the 'Oven'. When I read the book it seemed like both Jacksal and Mortimer have ovens in their own houses, what is the building marked oven supposed to represent?

BTW, I'm really stoked about running this one. The document is laid out perfectly and I have enough information to speed things along if I need to (only got about 4-5 hours to run it). I am going to use the Mac Pie hook to get them into the town. I'll leave a detailed review once we run it.
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Benoit D December 08, 2018 5:48 pm UTC
Let me know how it went :).

In Medieval times, people didn't normally have an oven in their house. The nobles provided basic services such as a public mill or an oven to the people living on their land (in exchange for taxes). Only wealthy people such as Mortimer or Jacksal could afford to have one.
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Nicholas B December 11, 2018 8:57 pm UTC
I see now that I must have skimmed over that in the PDF. Clearly states that, thanks!
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John T October 31, 2018 11:29 am UTC
It is mentioned at the end that the demon can be exorcised, but there isn't an exact method detailed for this. Are the PCs just supposed to leave the demon alone and bring the priestess NPC back?
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Benoit D October 31, 2018 1:50 pm UTC
You're right, I should have been more specific. I had something like in the Exorcist in mind :). A "plain" ritual that doesn't involve anything other than roleplaying. The party cleric should be able to perform it (if your party has one), but bringing Carla back to Dakara with a wheelbarrow and have the priest do the exorcism would also work.
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John T November 01, 2018 2:29 pm UTC
Thanks for the reply! I was thinking of the cleric route, but my players aren't big into making a balanced party, so we have no cleric right now. Maybe I'll let them make a Religion check to remember a relevant exorcism.
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Grant R October 04, 2018 2:32 pm UTC
I used this as material for my first time DM'ing. Our group couldn't get together, and our DM wanted to play for a change - so I volunteered. This. Went. Amazingly. At first the story had the party chuckling, but soon they became grossed out by the grotesque nature of the story and monsters. I changed it up a little bit so that we could complete the whole things in one night (all in all we played for about 5 hours, and that was after I altered the story for brevity)
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Safa F August 20, 2018 12:02 am UTC
Hey! Do you have resources to expand this to a 6th-level party? Just bought it and realized it's scaled for 4th level! (Looks great btw)
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Benoit D August 20, 2018 4:05 am UTC
Hi Safa,

There should be a DM Companion Booklet with scaling instructions for a 6th level party :).
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Seth K July 14, 2018 3:31 am UTC
I used this for my first time as a DM when my brother and I were learning together how to play D&D. We loved it! We had no idea what we were doing, fudged lots of the rules, waited while I tried to read ahead, and had an amazing adventure filled with content from the published material, and tons of weird junk we made up together.
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Nirodha A June 21, 2018 3:56 pm UTC
* Spoilers Ahead *
"There's a small chance the players will fail to stop Mortimer before the pie contest" p 11. Well, my players are those players. They're hot on the trail of the Gulabus and heading into the woods with the dog leading the way. Chances are they will kill the demon, dust off their hands, and call it mission accomplished. They didn't even talk to Mortimer, who's at home baking pies! Hell, they'll probably stay for the pie contest, eat a ton, and end up dead or worse. Do the maggots die when the demon does? My DM gut says no. Please tell me I'm wrong. Just kidding, they're screwed aren't they?
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Benoit D July 07, 2018 3:59 pm UTC
Eekkk sorry for the delay! I just noticed the comment :(.

That's a situation I hadn't thought about. I probably would have given my players a break and have the maggots die when the demon does, but I'm too soft. Having the PCs return to Womford only to find the village overrun with vomit spawns could be fun, though :). Mouahahahahahaa.

Out of curiosity, how did this happen? Did your PCs find the dog and decide to just follow it?
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Benjamin D May 16, 2018 5:33 am UTC
Just got my "print/softcover book" copy of the adventure. Wow!!!! I would easily have paid upwards of 20$ for this if I came across it in my local game shop. Great color, contrast, layout and print quality. Finished a read though and I can't wait to run this.
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